Settlement of Workplace Injury Claims

COVID-19 is definitely a topic most on people’s minds in 2020.

Many challenges exist in resolving workplace injury claims, specifically around COVID-19 and other non-acute occupational diseases.

To address the myriad of issues facing employers, employees and their legal representatives in this unprecedented time, we invited Labor Specialist Elliot Herland, Esq. to join us for the newest Mindset Mondays Podcast.

To address the myriad of issues facing employers, employees and their legal representatives in this unprecedented time, we invited Labor Specialist Elliot Herland, Esq. to join us for the newest Mindset Mondays Podcast.

We address a few practical and useful questions:

  • What is an occupational disease? What qualifies as a workplace-related sickness?

  • What is considered as a claim to be eligible in the workers’ compensation system (with a focus on Minnesota law in comparison to other states)?

  • What challenges surface when a claim is made?

  • When is a case ready for mediation, or not?

  • What challenges exist in reaching a settlement involving COVID-19 cases?

The episode is loaded on Relationships At Work. Showing the world that MINDSET matters in making a difference and getting back on our feet!


Elliot Herland
Nov 24, 2020